Average Monthly Temperature
Average High | 76° F |
Average Low | 51° F |
Mean | 65° F |
Average Precipitation | 1.07 in. |
Record High | 100° F (1988) |
Record Low | 24° F (1966) |
Garden Maintenance
Start to transition rye grass back to bermuda – once the night time temps have been 60 five nights in a row cut rye grass to ½’ height in order to allow Bermuda to return. Do this through MayContinue to stay on top of weeding…..remember you’re stronger then burr clover!
Space fruit production on apples, apricots, pear and peach trees – prune trees to create six inch spacing between each fruit on a branch
Ignore curling leaves on citrus trees. This is caused by citrus thrips and the damage is only cosmetic – it will not harm trees or fruit. By the time the curling is noticed the pest has already left – no need to treat.
Begin heavy pruning of shrubs and ground covers. Although the threat of frost runs through mid-March the probability of a hard freeze is very slim. Dramatically cut back hibiscus, bougainvillea, lantanas, plumbago, ground cover and vines.
Fertilize roses every two weeks through spring peak bloom period.
What To Plant
Plant all the tropicalsHibiscus, Bouganvillea, Plumbago, Ginger, Plumeria, Mandevilla vine
Continue to plant all non-native trees
Citrus, Ficus, Ash, Orchid, Elm, Pepper Trees, Oak, Pines, Crape myrtle, Sour orange, Chinese pistache, Flowering Pear
Plant desert adapted shrubs, vines, ground covers, ornamental grasses, cacti and succulents
Plant your veggies and herbs
Tomatoes, Peppers, Artichokes, Eggplant, Basil, Mint, Oregano, Parsley, Sage
Continue to plant containerized roses all varieties.